Posts Tagged ‘chair’

The Chair Project – Holder Family

There are no tricks or fancy Photoshop work here, just a camera on a tripod, an old chair and some willing subjects. I love the flow and variety of faces that took time out to sit on ‘The Chair’ for this session, in fact, they are all very special to me because this lot is […]

The Chair Project – Ann

My poor old chair has been sitting idle of late, waiting for someone to grace it and along came my lovely long time friend Ann. I love these pics of her (and husband Steve who reluctantly joined her!).

The Chair Project continues…

As a lover of people and faces I am thrilled to be photographing so many in my wonderful chair. Here is another batch to view.

The Chair Project starts to ramp up…

I have to admit that I am really loving The Chair project, it’s simple; I love the chair, it is so divine it is a photo in itself but most importantly I love the mix of wonderful faces that are starting to grace it. Here is new collection of recent ‘sitters’.

The Chair Project’s first subject – Leisha

It is so thrilling to see my vision for The Chair Project finally start to take shape. Not only was Leisha a willing subject, she has been a supportive and enthusiastic advocate as well. Thanks Leisha, you’re the best!

The Chair Project

The hunt is over! I have finally found what I was looking for for The Chair Project!! This wonderful chair came from a home in Earlwood in Sydney’s inner west where it served it’s owners for 50 years before making it’s way to me. I fell in love with it as soon as I laid […]

The Chair Hunt

The hunt is on for a great chair, full of character for a photo shoot idea I have. I am thinking an armchair, old and tatty or new and trendy – a signature piece. It could be named after a Louis someone or perhaps just from the pensioner down the road. Join me on the […]